Acrylic Palette Layout sheet

Acrylic Palette Layout

With the above acrylic colors and the acrylic brushes listed below
you will be able to paint the majority of the Inspiration of Painting
scenes taught in our videos.


We recommend the high quality Artist Acrylics like Liquitex Heavy Body Artist
Acrylics, Golden Heavy Body Artist Acrylics, Holbein
Artist Acrylics, and any
other high quality Artist grade acrylics.

If you are on a tight budget the cheaper Student Acrylics will work.

Do Not use the Craft Acrylics. They are generally very watered down and have
much lower pigment concentrations.


Acrylic Brushes

Below are the brushes most often used in the Inspiration of Painting videos.
Other brushes may be used or substituted as needed.

(brushes from left to right):

  • #4 Script Liner Brush (Pure Kolinsky Sable - for fine lines, weeds, small tree limbs, and details)
  • #1 Round Sable Brush (Pure Red Sable - painting very small objects, birds, animals, etc)
  • #4 Round Sable Brush (Pure Red Sable - painting small objects, birds, animals, etc)
  • #8 Round Sable Brush (Pure Red Sable - painting birds, animals, people, etc)
  • #6 Flat Sable Brush (Pure Red Sable - painting small objects, animals, people, buildings, etc)
  • #10 Flat Sable Brush (Pure Red Sable - painting slightly larger objects, animals, people, buildings, etc)
  • #4 Flat Bristle Brush ((Long White Bristle - painting small rocks, tree branches, highlighting, etc.)
  • #6 Flat Bristle Brush ((Long White Bristle - painting rocks, tree bark, water ripples, etc.)
  • #10 Flat Bristle Brush ((Long White Bristle - painting large rocks, trees, etc.)
  • 2 inch Hake Brush (soft White Bristle - painting and blending soft skies and backgrounds)

Other Supplies (available at most art supply stores):

Canvas: Most of the Inspiration of Painting videos were done using an 18" x 24" stretched canvas.

Masterson Sta-Wet Premier Palette (designed to help you keep your paints fresh
while you are working. Available for acrylic and oil paints)

Mahl Stick (used by painters to support/steady the hand that holds the brush)